Course Description

A mini-course/ workbook designed to help you get clarity on your value-based business plan. 

This course includes mindful practices to help you identify:

  • Your Core Concept
  • Value Proposition
  • Ideal Client
  • Mission & Vision Statement
  • SMART goals

Clarity and Focus are foundational steps in your "business script".  Taking time to strategize and clarify help you to open up space for the unscripted heART of you and your business to shine through! 

Certified Mindfulness Meditation Coach, Kids Life Mastery Coach, Registered Dental Hygienist

Lacey Melguizo

Lacey is the Founder of Unscripted Heart, a community that believes in empowering heart centered humans to live wholeheartedly, one breath at a time. Lacey is a mother to her two greatest teachers, wife, and friend. She is a passionate photographer who believes in transcending the ordinary through intuitive photography experiences that help those she serves show up and be seen. Lacey has been a registered dental hygienist since 2001, a graduate of Dakini Meditative Meditation Teacher Training Program, a 300 hour certified meditation program, as well as a Certified Life Mastery™ coach. Lacey actualized her mission of inspiring and bringing the simple yet profound principles of Mindfulness based Meditation and Social - Emotional learning into the hearts and minds of  children, families, and schools from 2016-2021.  Lacey is a constant student of life and feels honored and humbled to share the wisdom she has learned over the years in her own journey.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Focused: Your Mission & Vision

    • Getting Clarity on your Mission and Vision